5 Ways To Make Pinterest More Effective

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Pinterest is now one of the biggest, most popular social media website on the internet today and…interestingly enough, it’s mainly due to images! However, it’s much more than just an image site. For businesses and marketers, there is now a unique opportunity to expand their marketing message in a viral way simply by choosing unique and creative images to represent their products and services.

However, it’s not just about pinning some visually stunning images and hoping to see tons of new visitors and buyers rushing to your site. Below are some tips to consider when marketing on and with Pinterest.

1) When you create your profile, try to add as much information as possible and give some thought about the info you choose to add. From choosing a username to creating catchy slogans, consider what impact they may have on your potential prospects.

2) Be sure to pin images you find are not only intriguing but may lend a positive light on your business. Complete titles, descriptions, keywords, and so on. If you’re new to Pinterest, spend a day or two and look at how other businesses are pinning, adding titles, keywords etc. so that you can get a good idea of what’s working.

3) Pinterest is a social media site so take some time to follow others, especially those in the same (or similar) industry as you.

4) Be friendly and post comments on others’ pins. Feel free to share other peoples’ pins and images and get involved with the social media aspects of this unique website.

5) Think about images that pertain to your products and creating pages where you can add a link to your site or even an affiliate link to try and drive more traffic to your web properties.

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