Power Your Pinterest Marketing With Tools

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There are a number of popular social media websites today. Sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, StumbleUpon, Digg, and so on. Guess which website is the 3rd most popular social media site in the U.S.? Pinterest is the answer! They say “images speak a thousand words” which means that photos, images, graphics, etc. can be extremely powerful or, funny or, thought-provoking, etc. So, the basis of Pinterest, which is people pinning their inspirational images, makes sense as to why the social networking site is so popular.

Once a site is classified as “popular” or a “social media spot” then businesses, professionals, and especially internet marketers soon pay attention. However, internet marketers tend to have very little time and often rely on tools to get specific tasks done quickly so they can focus on other aspects of their business.

One such tool to help marketers is Pin Alerts. This tool will send you a message to your email account whenever an image from your site is pinned on Pinterest. You can monitor certain websites similar to Google Alerts.

Another useful tool is Pinerly which can help you monitor your Pinterest campaigns. Keep track of likes, clicks, repins, etc. with your Pinely account.

Last but not least, there’s Pinvolve. This is a Facebook app that allows you to show your pins on your Facebook page adding to the viral potential of these popular social media sites.

So, if you’re a busy marketer and would like to take advantage of the power of Pinterest, why not check out the tools that can make your life a lot easier.

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